Скрипт Заправки для IV:MP (Fuel Script) - Скрипты для сервера IV:MP - Моды для серверов - GTA моды, сервера, скрипты, дополнения, патчи, фиксы. - GrandTheftAuto - IVMP, SAMP, моды, коды, трайнеры.
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Скрипт Заправки для IV:MP (Fuel Script)
15.08.2011, 16:58


Simple Fuel System For IV-MP  
for ivmp beta 2 (changes timer for ivmp 1 T3 in script)
By c-middia
const yellow = 0xFFFF00AA;
const red = 0xFF0000AA;
const orange = 0xFF7F00AA;
const green = 0x20AA20FF;
const MAX_GSTATIONS = 11;
local gas_can = array(getPlayerSlots(), 0);
local vinfo ={};
local gastime;
local gas_stations =
  [0, 652.08, 766.0, 4.0],
  [1, 1454.0, 1712.0, 17.0],
  [2, 1128.0, 329.0, 30.0],
  [3, 1129.0, -358.0, 19.0],
  [4, 109.0, 1136.0, 15.0],
  [5, -480.0, -211.0, 7.0],
  [6, -1391.0, 29.0, 7.0],
  [7, -434.0, -20.0, 9.0],
  [8, 1771.0, 837.0, 16.0],
  [9, -1313.0, 1736.0, 28.0],
  [10, 774.0, 195.5, 6.0]
function onScriptInit()
  log(SCRIPT_NAME + " loaded");
  gastime = setTimer(fueldown, 500, -1);
  gastime = timer(fueldown, 500, -1);// T3
  return 1;
addEvent("scriptInit", onScriptInit);
function onScriptExit()
  gastime.kill();// T3
  return 1;
addEvent("scriptExit", onScriptExit);
function onVehicleCreate(vehicleid)
  vinfo[vehicleid] <- {};
  vinfo[vehicleid].gastank <- 5000;
  return true;
addEvent("vehicleCreate", onVehicleCreate);
function onVehicleDelete(vehicleid)
  return 1;
addEvent("vehicleDelete", onVehicleDelete);
function PlayerToPoint(playerid, radius, x, y, z)
  local playerpos = getPlayerCoordinates(playerid);
  return isPointInBall(x, y, z, playerpos[0], playerpos[1], playerpos[2], radius);
function get_station(playerid)
  for (local i = 0; i < MAX_GSTATIONS; i++)
  return i;
  return -1;
function getSpeed(vehicleid)
  local velo = getVehicleVelocity(vehicleid);
  return sqrt(pow(velo[0], 2) + pow(velo[1], 2) + pow(velo[2], 2))*5;
function fueldown()
  foreach(playerid, name in getPlayers())
  if(getPlayerState(playerid) == 6)
  local vehicleid = getPlayerVehicleId(playerid);
  local modelid = getVehicleModel(vehicleid);
  local vsname = getVehicleName(modelid);
  local vhealth = getVehicleHealth(vehicleid);
  local speed = getSpeed(vehicleid).tointeger();
  if(speed >= 1)
  vinfo[vehicleid].gastank -= 1;
  if(speed >= 75)
  vinfo[vehicleid].gastank -= 1;
  if(speed >= 150)
  vinfo[vehicleid].gastank -= 1;
  if(speed >= 225)
  vinfo[vehicleid].gastank -= 1;
  if(speed >= 275)
  vinfo[vehicleid].gastank -= 1;
  if(speed >= 300)
  vinfo[vehicleid].gastank -= 1;
  if(vinfo[vehicleid].gastank < 1)
  setVehicleVelocity(vehicleid, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 );
  vinfo[vehicleid].gastank = 0;
  if(speed >= 180)
  displayPlayerInfoText(playerid, "~b~"+vsname+"~b~ Vehicle ID ~w~"+vehicleid+"~n~ ~p~ Speed ~r~"+speed+"~p~ KM/H ~n~ ~b~ Fuel ~w~"+vinfo[vehicleid].gastank/100+"~b~ percent", 500);
  else if(speed <= 179)
  displayPlayerInfoText(playerid, "~b~"+vsname+"~b~ Vehicle ID ~w~"+vehicleid+"~n~ ~b~ Speed ~w~"+speed+"~b~ KM/H ~n~ ~b~ Fuel ~w~"+vinfo[vehicleid].gastank/100+"~b~ percent", 500);
  return 1;  
function onPlayerCommand(playerid, command)
  local cmd = split(command, " ");
  if(cmd[0] == "/fillup" || cmd[0] == "/refuel")
  local vehicleid = getPlayerVehicleId(playerid);
  if(vinfo[vehicleid].gastank >= 10000) return sendPlayerMessage(playerid, "Vehicle Full", yellow, false);
  local stn = get_station(playerid);
  if(stn < 0) return sendPlayerMessage(playerid, "You are not at a gas station", yellow, false);
  local fuelamount = (10000 - vinfo[vehicleid].gastank);
  if(getPlayerMoney(playerid)<(fuelammount/100)) return sendPlayerMessage(playerid, "You need more money", yellow, false);
  vinfo[vehicleid].gastank += fuelamount;
  sendPlayerMessage(playerid, "You bought "+fuelamount/100+" centiliters of petrol ", green, false);
  return 1;
  sendPlayerMessage(playerid, "You are not in a vehicle", orange, false);
  return 1;
  if(cmd[0] == "/checkcan")
  sendPlayerMessage(playerid, "You have "+gas_can[playerid]/100+" centiliters of petrol in your can", green, false);
  return 1;
  if(cmd[0] == "/fillcan")
  local stn = get_station(playerid);
  if(stn < 0) return sendPlayerMessage(playerid, "You are not at a gas station", yellow, false);
  local fuelamount = (1500 - gas_can[playerid]);
  if(getPlayerMoney(playerid)<(fuelammount/100)) return sendPlayerMessage(playerid, "You need more money", yellow, false);
  sendPlayerMessage(playerid, "You bought "+fuelamount/100+" centiliters of petrol", green, false);
  return 1;
  if(cmd[0] == "/fuelcar")
  if(gas_can[playerid]==0) return sendPlayerMessage(playerid, "can is empty", red, false);
  local vehicleid = getPlayerVehicleId(playerid)
  if(vinfo[vehicleid].gastank >= 10000) return sendPlayerMessage(playerid, "Vehicle Full", yellow, false);
  local fuelamount=0;
  vinfo[vehicleid].gastank += gas_can[playerid];
  if(vinfo[vehicleid].gastank > 10000)
  fuelamount = (vinfo[vehicleid].gastank) -10000;
  vinfo[vehicleid].gastank = 10000;
  gas_can[playerid] = fuelamount;  
  sendPlayerMessage(playerid, "You have "+gas_can[playerid]/10+" centiliters of petrol left in your can", green, false);
  AtGas[playerid]= 0;
  return 1;
  sendPlayerMessage(playerid, "You are not in a vehicle", orange, false);
  return 1;
  return 0;
addEvent("playerCommand", onPlayerCommand);

Автор: c-middia
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Категория: Скрипты для сервера IV:MP | Добавил: Van | Просмотров: 2592 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 5.0/4
Комментарии: 2
Теги материала: скприт ivmp

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Всего комментариев: 2
1 Zhenya1222   (11.09.2011 10:32) [Материал]
Фу фу фу, не качайте скрипт полная *у*н*.....

2 Van   (11.09.2011 14:48) [Материал]
Его качать и ненадо.
Можно изменить под себя.

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